As a pre-birthday event, we went to see Rebirth Brass Band and Moon Taxi at Fairpark in downtown Tupelo. This was the last of the Down on Main concerts of the summer. My hats off to the committee for a fabulous time - the music was phenomenal! Sadly, Tommy had to leave early with an extra sleepy and grumpy AnnaLauren.
Rebirth Brass Band from New Orleans
Moon Taxi from Nashville
Friday morning I snuck over to the bank before Tommy made it to work and decorated his office.
The awesome ladies he works with provided an extra large party hat and a homemade caramel cake (yum!).
Friday afternoon, the kiddos and I presented him with some tokens of our affection. In honor of his love of Ole Miss football, he got...
This fetching hat...
This mini football that plays "Go Rebels Go" and "Dixie"...
And a new set of flags for his truck...
On Friday night, we went to Harvey's (one of our faves) and had fantastic dinner. I absolutely suggest the Bloody Mary because it comes with an olive, a pearl onion, a celery stalk, another onion, a lime wedge, a bell pepper ring, a boiled shrimp and a pepperoni slice. They bring you a plate to go with it. Yep, a drink with snacks - beat that!
On Saturday, Tommy watched his beloved Rebels pull out a close win against Tulane. Whew! A loss could have brought the weekend to a screeching halt!
On Sunday, after a fantastic morning at The Orchard, Tommy's sweet stepmom cooked a fabulous birthday lunch of grilled chicken, corn on the cob, mac and cheese, wild rice dressing, green beans and new potatoes and finished up with Baskin Robbins ice cream cake in chocolate/chocolate. I almost needed to be rolled out to the car!
And lastly, in a fitting end to the weekend. We put the kiddies to bed and watched the season finale of True Blood. Alcide & Eric - enough said!
Hope your weekend was fantastic!
Today is Day 3 of the SITS Girls Back to Blogging event. Thank you to the event sponsors Standards of Excellence, Westar Kitchen and Bath and Florida Builder Appliances. Today’s assignment is to republish a post with a title you are particularly proud of. I didn't repost since this was my latest post.

My name is Nikki and I might be a cougar.
I haven't been by to visit in a while and so glad I didn't miss out on all the BIRFday celebration! You are NOT a slacker wife...FB counts!LOL