Monday, October 25, 2010

And now I know it's fall

Here in North MS, the weather has been warm - not stifling like summer, but definitely too warm to have thoughts of fall.  But, when Noah brought home his school pictures last week, I knew it had arrived.  Just like clockwork, every fall the customary school pics are snapped and sent home.  It's all a huge surprise too because there is no preview, no proof, no do-over.  Whatever the camera snaps is what you are stuck with for the next year. 

Luckily, Noah's freshman year of high school will not be marred by an awful school picture.  It's actually pretty good.
Can't you just smell freshly sharpened pencils? 
Or for today's kids, can't you just picture the glow of the Apple icon on your macbook?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it is the Year of the Good School Picture? Both my boy's photos turned out as good as mass school photography can be! LOL We are hoping to get some cool weather this weekend, here in SC, to really feel like fall!
