Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sometimes it feels like Burger King...

Last night's dinner at our house was pretty much our usual fiasco!

Tommy and I had this.  We thought it was yum-o.
My leftovers look like this.

But AnnaLauren, said "ewww", so she ate this...
With these cut up in it...kinda makes me think "eww".

And Noah said "Yuck", so he ate this...definitely "yuck" to me.

But once the toddler and the teenager were all tucked in...
Mommy and Daddy settled in for a little bit of DVR'd American Idol and something even more yummy!

For Mommy, a bloody mary in her favorite cup.  Go Rebs!
Made with yummy Mississippi vodka and the always fab Zing Zang.

And for Daddy, he had his old standby...Maker's and 7up.

Sometimes after a night of giving others things "their way", it's awfully relaxing to have a little something "your way"!

Have a fabulous day!


  1. Stopping in from SITS...just the kind of thing to make my Thursday!! We do these kind of nights too...whatever happens to be in the fridge :)

  2. I say yum to all of it!!!! My new favorite find is Mascato wine from Barefoot. I have never been a huge wine fan, but I am HOOKED!

  3. WHAT!?!?!?! You don't love mac and cheese with hotdogs?? That's grad school gourmet, LOL. See, your baby girl is just getting herself prepared for being a microwave chef in college. I could prepare an entire meal in a microwave back then. Bottom line . . . everyone was happy. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I liked your wishes.
